You are just about ready to publish your new game or launch it on a crowdfunding platform and you need some help with making it a success? Here are a couple of ways that we think we can help:
Web Banner Ad
eNews Ad
Crowdfunding Overview Video
Board Games Launching On Crowdfunding (BLOC) Video (compilation video)
Live Playthru
All The Above
BLOC Facebook Page Banner
How-to-Play Video
Crowdfunding Campaign Critique
Instruction Manual Design and Writing
Web Banner Ad
- Sponsorship: $79 USD per month
- 180x400 pixel display ad will be placed on our home page, podcast page, and web pages
eNews Ad
- Sponsorship: $79 USD per issue
- 900x500 pixel ad to be placed in the body of our monthly eNews issue
- You may submit a paragraph of text and link to your campaign for consideration
Crowdfunding Overview Video
- Sponsorship: $499 USD
- We require a prototype copy of your game at least 4 weeks in advance of your campaign launch
- Crowdfunding Overview video will be 2–8 minutes, with a brief explanation of gameplay, b-roll shots of components, and a discussion of the game (this is not a review)
- Your game will also be mentioned in our Board Games Launching On Crowdfunding (BLOC) bi-monthly video
- We will post the video on our YouTube channel, on our website, across our social channels (more than 34k combined followers), as well as on on or prior to the launch of your campaign unless a specific date is agreed upon in advance
- We will be happy to ship your game to the next media producers (less the cost of shipping). However, unless otherwise agreed upon the prototype will become the property of Tantrum House
- Episode sponsorship: $79 USD
- Sponsor an episode of our Podcast and we will mention your company during our "Shout Out" segment
- We will mention noteworthy elements of your company/product
- If you would like to donate give-aways we will incorporate those into the episode (announcing it on more than one episode)
Board Games Launching On Crowdfunding (BLOC) Video (compilation video)
- Sponsorship: $79 USD
- We require photos and video of your campaign 3 weeks in advance of your campaign launch (1920x1080 ideally)
- Our BLOC videos reach anywhere from 5–10k viewers and are published every 2 weeks
- We will mention your game and campaign launch date along with several other upcoming crowdfunding campaigns
Live Playthru
- Sponsorship price depends on complexity of game ($499 USD for games under 90 minutes. $599 USD for games over 90 minutes)
- This is not a "Rules" or "How-to-play" video. It's a live video of our team playing your game (i.e. we can not guarantee all the rules will be followed precisely)
- Video will be shot from multiple camera angles from Studio III
- You can suggest the number of players (1–8)
- You are invited to promote the broadcast and chat in the comments during the event
All The Above
- (Assuming availability) all of the services listed above can be packaged for $999 USD
BLOC Facebook Page Banner
- Sponsorship: $125 USD per week
- 1640x856 (with a 120 margin along the top and bottom graphic) will be placed as the cover image for our BLOK Facebook page (keep in mind that mobile devices will display differently, so including a healthy margin around the edge of your image will ensure that everything looks good on the page)
- Link to your campaign will be included in the description
How-to-Play Video
- Sponsorship: $799 USD
- A rules explanation of the game
- We will need a physical copy at least 4 weeks in advance
Crowdfunding Campaign Critique
- Sponsorship: $89 USD
- We recommend sending us your preview link 3 weeks in advance of launch
- Our professional Graphic Designers and Writers will evaluate and critique your campaign page and send you a bulleted "punch list"
- Additional editing and graphic design services may be secured on an hourly basis
Instruction Manual Design and Writing
- Price: After evaluating your existing materials we will produce a quote for the price of the manual
- We require 5-weeks prior to the launch of your campaign in order to produce a rough draft for your campaign and then we will agree on a deadline for the finished manual after the campaign
- Contact us using the form below for additional information
Example videos:
See all our videos on YouTube.
If you'd like to discuss how Tantrum House can help you with your promotion, start the conversation today!